Bounty Bar Bites


2 Cups desiccated coconut 

1/3 Cup coconut cream

3 Tablespoons melted coconut oil

3 Tablespoons maple syrup / honey 

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 

Approx 100g - 150g of dark chocolate 

1 Tablespoon coconut oil


Combine desiccated coconut, coconut cream, melted coconut oil, maple syrup or honey and vanilla extract in a bowl and stir to combine.  You want this mixture sticky so you can from little bite size bars.  If it is too dry just add a little more coconut cream.

Form this mixture into little bite size bars, or you could do longer bars, or egg shapes.  

Put them onto a plate or baking paper and put them in the freezer while you melt the chocolate. 

Break chocolate up into a large bowl with the tablespoon of coconut oil and place the bowl over a pot of gently boiling water on the stovetop.  Gently melt the chocolate and coconut oil until all melted.  

Take the bounty bars out of the freezer and gently dip each one in the melted chocolate.  I keep my bowl on top of the pot and turn the temperature right down. 

Once the bars are all dipped in the chocolate return to the freezer.

You can store these in the freezer and either eat them frozen or take them out and thaw them for 10 mins before devouring.  Can also be stored in the fridge but at my house they would be gone in a day in the fridge!!!!

Enjoy x 


Seed Bread - Grain free, GF, DF


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