Meat Free Sausage Rolls


2 Sheets of ready rolled flaky pastry - or homemade pastry if you have time

250g Cottage Cheese

1 Egg

1 Cup of soaked Rolled Oats (soak in water for at least 30 mins or overnight, then drain.  Soaking aids digestion.)

1 Onion finely diced

1 teaspoon tamari or soy sauce

I bunch fresh herbs - Parsley, basil, oregano work well or 1 Tablespoon dried herbs

Salt and Pepper to taste


Pre heat oven to 180°

Thaw pastry and cut each square in half 

Mix rest of ingredients in a bowl.  Spoon mixture into middle of each of the pasty sheets (which you have previously cut in half)

Fold both pastry sides over to meet and then flip over so the pasty seam is on the bottom

Slice roll into about 6 pieces.  

Place sausage rolls onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake in the oven for approx 30 mins or until golden and fluffy.

Not an everyday food item but sometimes you just need to make pastries!!!! These are definitely more nourishing than the frozen pre made sausage rolls and taste a million times better.  Perfect plate for social events - never have I ever had to take home leftover meat free sausage rolls from a party. 


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